Make Your Case!

Don't miss out on this conference! 

 Looking for ideas to help you make your case to your administrator about why you should attend the TASL Conference? We can help! 

Join us in Murfreesboro September 14-16, 2025 for #TASLCon25!

  • Learn from top experts in the field of school librarianship

  • Hear from best-selling, award-winning authors

  • Save money and time with vendor discounts and previews

  • Network and exchange ideas with hundreds of fellow librarians from across the state

  • Expand your professional learning network

  • Recharge your professional "batteries" and return with even more enthusiasm for your students and your school library program

 TASLCon2025 - Making Your Case to Attend

  • Tally your potential costs - Show how much you can save if you register and plan your travel early. You can go ahead and register to lock in your rates and have your school district pay for conference closer to the event. Consider alternate sources of funding such as book fair profits or your local parent-teacher organizations.

  • Study the schedule - Identify sessions that will most benefit you in your professional growth and align with the goals of your school and district.

  • Share the program with your administration - List the sessions you think will be most beneficial. 

  • Create a plan for your absence - Share how you have coverage for classes and a plan in place for while you are away, and let your administration know that you are accessible via email or phone.

  • Create a plan for turn-around training with your staff and/or colleagues - (e.g., notes from speaker presentations and discussion groups, knowledgeable vendors you spoke with, best practices, contacts you made through networking, etc.) 

  • Share how you plan to implement ideas you get from the conference into practice, which will pay back many times over the investment of time and money spent to attend.

  • Put your request in writing for your admin to have all your information in one place and help answer their questions before they have them.

Conference Features:

Award Winning Authors

TASL’s annual conference has a prestigious line up of award-winning authors that appeal to all ages. Interacting with authors allows school librarians to bring back ideas for including books in the curriculum and/or encouraging books for independent reading based on student interests. Be sure to check back for this year’s authors!

Breakout Sessions and Keynote Speakers

TASL will have more than fifty breakout sessions and several keynote presentations on timely topics from prominent experts in our field. These sessions will provide realistic, practical strategies that librarians will be able to bring back and implement in their schools immediately.

Vendor Booths

The exhibit hall will be filled with vendors showcasing the latest resources and technology available to schools and librarians.  Attendees can take advantage of conference discounts and save valuable time previewing materials.